Policies & Procedures
Policies & Procedures
Queens has clear policies that govern aspects of campus culture including hiring practices, grading, financial business, and use of technology.



Financial Aid & Student Accounts

Online Education

Public Safety

Residential Life & Student Services


Human Participant Research
All student-directed research that involves human participants must have a faculty sponsor. Additionally, all research that involves human participants must be reviewed and approved by the university Institutional Review Board (IRB) PRIOR to the initiation of any research activities. IRB information and approval forms are available on the myQueens portal.
QAlert is the emergency notification system that Queens uses to notify the university community of an emergency, inclement weather or class cancellations. It sends messages about the status of a given situation, as well as other details the campus needs to know. Students, faculty and staff are automatically registered for QAlert through the university’s enterprise resource management system. To review and/or update your contact information, including your cell phone number for text messages, please login to MyAccount. Then, look for the “Update Contact Information” section on the homepage.
University Closings / Cancelled Classes
When the Queens campus is closed, students, faculty and staff will be notified via QAlert, the Queens emergency notification system. Up-to-date information will also be posted on the Queens website and available on the university’s Information Hotline (704-337-2567).
Note: If classes are meeting, but you feel that you cannot find a safe way to get to class, you should notify your instructor as soon as possible.